The sport of basketball not only rewards players with athletic ability and physical skill, it also can punish players who are easily intimidated. The game can be very physical thus leaving many players overwhelmed and just plan ineffective. For any player to be effective and succeed in this game being aggressive IS A MUST!
Basketball superstar Michael Jordan said, "I realized that if I was going to achieve anything in life I had to be aggressive. I had to get out there and go for it. I don't believe you can achieve anything by being passive."
While being aggressive in your regular life might not be the best for you, aggression on the basketball court acts as a funnel for your energy and skills to send a message to your opponent. In basketball, you can be nice and aggressive - as long as it's the good sports aggressiveness.
While you should never intentionally start fights on the court, healthy aggression can give you the upper hand on your opponent. If you show weakness your opponent will pick up on this and take advantage of you. It’s just the nature of the game.
So what can you do if you are the timid one on the floor? Here are a few simple things to begin working on.
Mental Toughness
Any decisions we make or choices we do in life always begin in our mind. Aggressiveness does not just settle for a strong built, but also for a strong mind. Your mind makes the decision whether you will play timid or aggressive. Begin thinking of yourself as aggressive. If you miss a shot, shrug it off, stay focused on your task and push through.
Just Try It
Begin taking the extra shot and make an extra effort to force yourself to shoot. Whether it is in practice or in a game you must begin somewhere. If you miss a shot, fight like crazy to get the rebound and shoot it again. Go for it! Drive the ball into the lane, right into the defender. Why not? The aggressive one goes for it and gets it, make it you!
Begin To Initiate Contact
Start to initiate necessary physical contact in the game. Basketball is meant to be a contact sport, so bumping and shoving is to be expected. Begin taking control and being in charge of your destiny, do not allow the defense to control your game. You control your game. You must create some contact.
Play With Courage
Bumps and bruises are part of the game, so anticipate some soreness. Be aggressive on the floor at all times while staying under control. Dive for loose balls. Fight for rebounds. Get proper defensive position and draw a defensive charge. Dribble/Drive hard to the basket to get your shot or better yet draw a foul.
Play With Passion
Playing with Passion (high energy) can be similar to aggressiveness. Play with a high level of energy and passion not only pumps you up but it sends a message to your opponents.
Don’t waste another minute begin today to becoming an aggressive player; your teammates will thank you.
Good luck with your game,
Coach O
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