How do I register and pay?
You can register online and hit submit button or print registration down from web site and mail in. Remember to mail your league fee to Bruce Owens, 8839 S. Circle E, Farwell, MI 48622. Make your check payable to “Bruce Owens”. Fee must be paid before team assignment.
How will I know if my registration was received?
HOOPZONE will reply to all registrations (via your email address) with a confirmation you are in.
Will teams have practices?
We have set aside a 15 minute time slot before each game for teams to spend as they wish in team development. Teams are more than welcome to find a gym on theri own to hold practices any time they wish.
Can my son be on the same team as his friends?
Yes you may register as a group (team) or a single. Make sure you note it on your registration form when signing up if you prefer to be with someone. If we do not know about it ahead of time no adjustment will be made afterwards.
I am a new volunteer coach. Is there a place to find information to help me?
For development skills tips click here;
For drills to use click here;
For plays to use click here;
For defensive skills click here;
Will kids be taken out of game if they are getting to physical?
Yes. We will ask every coach to make sure their kids understand the rules of defensive positioning not holding and slapping and running over. If players get to aggressive they need to be taken out of game and instructed how to play defense and then put them back in at a later time to try again.
Do boys and girls play together?
Prefer not. Every year we have enough players to establish all girl teams and all boy teams. This allows both genders to play to their abilities.
Will score be kept during games?
No scoring on scoreboard. We want the kids to be concerned about doing things right, not who is winning.
When will game schedules be posted?
The week prior to the first set of games.

Are the referees official refs?
No. We want to allow the games to be played yet get the kids to understand to rules. You’ll see in our rules some have been modified to keep the games going. Referees are encouraged to talk to kids about what they might be doing wrong. This is not to show favoritism but to help teach the game
Why can't I view or download documents?
Check your browser options to see how cookies are handled. If you use Internet Explorer, this can be done by clicking on Tools, then Internet Options. Go to the Privacy tab, and see what your settings are with regard to accepting cookies. Change the setting to "Medium", "Low", or "Accept All Cookies", and you should have access to the handouts.
Why can't my daughter wear beads in her hair during games?
It is a safety issue, both for the player in question, and her teammates and opponents. Referees are told/trained not to allow illegal headwear, bracelets, etc., for the safety of all. and type braids are allowed.